Super excited is the feeling we get when we’ve just purchased our first home, a new house or a new condo. Among the excitement don’t forget to do the following things either before [...]
Homeowners preparing to sell their homes may be questioning whether they should be painting before listing the house for sale. To make the best impression on a potential new home buyer a freshly [...]
If you are planning on selling your house in Ottawa in the near future and hoping it gets sold faster it is possible with just a simple refresh of a new coat of paint. Painting before selling is [...]
Moving in to a new house or condo takes a lot of preparation and can be very stressful especially if there’s no plan or guide to help you get things ready. After signing on the dotted line [...]
We all enjoy watching the tv shows on home renos and improvements but do they really portray what it’s really like to live through a home renovation? We all know that we can’t [...]